Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Copper Kettle with Oranges and Strawberries - Still Life in Oil

 This has been a disjointed week for various reasons.  The weekend passed without any painting getting done which left me feeling a bit frustrated.  On Monday I drifted over to a local antique store and shopped for still life subject matter.  I found this copper kettle and snapped it up. Yesterday I started on a 12 x 12 painting of it, adding some oranges and strawberries for color.  Today I spent a couple of hours pulling it together.

I'm going to let it sit for a couple of days and then add any last touches, but primarily I think this is done.  I love painting subjects like the kettle.  The antique store is huge with so many knick knacks and things like the kettle that it is impossible to take it all in on one trip.   I'll be returning soon!

Copper Kettle with Oranges and Strawberries  12 x 12

To purchase this orginal oil painting with frame, please CLICK HERE

My Art Site: Bruce Hancock Fine Art


  1. Bruce, The painting is lovely. So nice to find such a beautiful brass kettle to paint.

    1. Hi Ruth....thank you for the nice comment. Doing these still life studies is like therapy...calming and sentering.
