Saturday, April 20, 2013

Sutter-Jensen Park Fund Raiser

Today I joined David Peterson's Third Saturday Paint Out.  We ventured to the Sutter-Jensen Park to support the local community that is trying to save the open space for a park.  It's a beautiful untouched 18 acres in the middle of the Carmichael suburbs.  The artists gathered to paint and offer 50% of the proceeds of the sale to the preservation committee.  It was a warm but blustery day.  I felt my painting was a success and I was pleased to donate it to the cause.

Sutter-Jensen Park   Plein Air Oil  on 12 x 9 canvas panel.

1 comment :

  1. Bruce, The painting is lovely and it sounds like you got to test your pochade box and tripod with the blustery weather. So nice to paint for a benefit. That is so good!
